III Rally on the papal family Bendoszkę Along the Great May 21, 2011 20,110,515
photo Witek Zieba, Greg Hill On Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 8 persons: seven members of the ACT "Gronie" Tadeusz United-car-on & Mary and Witek Ziębowie, Aśka Wodarczyk-Staciwa, JGGórków car - they + Bianka Koloch and Mrs. Barbara Heidenreich - the other four represented the Association of Upper Silesia (Circle and the Brotherhood Wełnowiec Coach) - met market in Rajcza. Hence Rycerek drove to the valley and visited the State House under the shingles is necessary. George Needham is the only Minister of the Republic of Poland in the history of ACT group - was vice president of ACT team in 1970-72. GGórka handed him the relics of the 50th anniversary of the ACT, including a letter from Main Board. Make sure you invited us to the July event at the House of Music under the shingles and also to visit a group of ACT at a convenient time. Then we went in the eight-strong group of
III RALLY FOR FAMILY papal routes BENDOSZKĘ BIG May 21, 2011, Sack Raczański - Along the papal rally "meet at the Jubilee Cross of the Earth Zywiec" - with parking Ciapkowie entered abbreviation (next to the "chapel") on Przegibek and then to the United Bendoszkę where at 14.00 we attended the Holy Mass. After the Mass •. participants attended the meeting at a common focal point rally with about 500 participants of the rally in the dozens of people from the Association of Upper Silesia - mainly from the Brotherhood of Pilgrimage.
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