It was even nice ritual. First, tea, and then leisurely browsing the directory and search of interesting news or renewals. In addition, the barely perceptible feeling of belonging and even elitist. In addition, it is nice to get something by mail, which is not only a bill, or a summons to pay. And so one day I receive emails without logging in, but just a key opening the metal box in the stairwell (the explanation for younger readers) and my eyes appeared to surprise some red color, such a book. I think that here I got a free program of the SLD, but a closer look at, and is characteristic logo, many associations to me before with an invitation to a better world, the world's books. But what is - a whole bunch of books next to the Communist Party
ie Truly Useless Popieprzonych props from which the absolute stupor wprawiły me Dilators trouser and a curious dog who is actually a ceramic dog's ass, beautifully designed project from the ground in the garden (see photo). And so ended my adventure with the company World Books. Once over the years, days passed, I turn into a woman dreaming of paterze dough and Chinese stained-glass windows for only 19.99, may return to this company (and indeed to that which it took over) and buy the illuminated stand at the computer with cooling function (I hope that by that time even join a winning melody Application Für Elise) for my laptop, where I write this text, and so long I hope I will serve, because as a little buried in contributions to retirement, it will not be a new me, certainly afford it.

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