story I must share "I met today on four of James Street. Of course he was not alone with their parents (...) fine drizzle was falling, and Jacob had a child umbrella - yellow in tigers. I also had a children's umbrella. For a long time I buy only such. Firstly because I'm small, and the children, quite light enough for me, and, second, that I am addicted to getting lost, and they are little cheaper.
-O! What do you have a beautiful umbrella - said the boy with delight. Long have not seen such delight in the eyes of man - is shrugged.
- How do you want, we would just give it to you - she exclaimed with enthusiasm. Only now I realized that the children parasolkach there are some pictures. On my word was Alf and Null problemo!
-Want me?
-No, thank you - the little boy said politely, and very seriously - But I will not walk down the street with two umbrellas. How would it look like?
He was right, it would be frivolous
(...) "You know - I said at the end - exchange the. You take mine, and I'm yours!
-Really? Agree are you?
-course! - Shoved under his arm was in a yellow tigers - the rain has stopped raining.
evening, the phone rang:
-Sorry to bother you - said the father of James - but my son was not getting any sleep. He was worried that he took from you this beautiful umbrella of Alfem, and he gave you your much uglier, and that you probably now it is sad. I promised him I'll call you ...
-Forward said her son-heat - that's the umbrella for me is just wonderful, because when I look at it, I remember very nice boy.
friend laughed, pleased. And I said goodbye for a while I thought a lot of mystery child's soul. Here is a little boy can not fall asleep evening, because it seems to him that the day someone cheated. Perhaps that James simply grow up to be an honest man ... Or will the contrary - just curious when and how will this change. "
[R. Ligocka, sensitivity and indifference, Krakow 2009, p. 109-111]