INP What students think on these subjects? We decided to investigate!
If you want to express their views on these and other issues related to social and political life in the Third Republic, and find out what others think - take part in a poll organized by the Scientific Society "Ars Politica"!
From 10 to 21 January, will meet with the ability to fill out a form containing a set of closed questions about your worldview. Just to answer and return the form to one of the interviewers!
Our interviewers will circulate in the classrooms and corridors of buildings faculty during the breaks between classes.
If you wish to claim their own forms, or help us in implementing research on the role of the interviewer - just to us, talk:)
- Konstanty Chodkowski (Political Science Year II, day)
- Damian Delis (political science and one year, daily)
- Dominica Jedrzejczak (political science in the MISH-u, read - the year I-III)
study is intended for students of politics and internal security, education (all modes).
Info Contact details for members of the KN "Ars Politica" found on page internetowejwww.kn-arspolitica.blogspot.com
cordially invite you to participate in the survey!
Board KN "Ars Politica"
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