Sunday, February 20, 2011

Flex Tech Service Anleitung

Scientific Circle INP Ars Politica, Five O'clock Stewards UKKNJA and are pleased to invite all students
Scientific Conference 'DOIN' POLITICS IN THE UK '

When? 24.02.2011 (Thursday), 15:00

Where? Conference Room No. 200 Stewards UW (second floor), ul. Krakow suburb 24 -> (on the plan building No. 25, after passing through the main gate, turn right onto the small courtyard)

Celebrities evening: Dr. Margaret Kaczorowska, Dr. Bart Bishop, Stephen Davies, BA, Graham Carr BA

topic of the conference: Elections in Great Britain 2010. The parliamentary system, electoral system and party system

UK conference try to answer the valid questions about the political system of Britain:

- whether the recent parliamentary elections mean an end to "bipartisan" political scene?

- majoritarian electoral system - a solution to measure the modern democratic state, or a relic of a bygone era?

- and the UK suffer from a deficit of representation?

... and many others.

Godz.15: 00 - 16:30 - Start a conference speech, Dr Margaret Kaczorowska (INP UW):
- election campaign and the interesting results of the elections in the United Kingdom in 2010

Time 16:30 - 16:45 - break

Time 16:45 - 17:15 - presentation by Dr Bartholomew Bishop (INP UW):
- British election campaign in 2010: the prospect of marketing.

Time 17:15 - 18:15 - a common occurrence Graham Carr BA, and Stephen Davies BA (UKKNJA UW - Native Speakers):
- The Process of Voting. Proportional Representation vs.. First Past The Post: The pros and cons of different voting systems.
- How to stand for election.
- The Process of Voting.
- Carr's sad life in Thatcher's Britain.

Time 18:15 - 18:30 - summary and conclusion of the conference.

with additional facilities provided for a truly British TEA TIME, of course, around the chair. 17:00:)

anglomaniaków invite everyone, fans hungry for knowledge, and Stephen Davies and Graham Carr BA BA!

Will not be bored for sure!


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