Communication nt trip NUDE "Gronie" to Bavaria
1912-1918 September 2011, the
detailed program : route
1 day: Classifieds (Highway 4 and 9) to Waldsassen (Bavaria), visiting the monastery Cistercian local road toll by Falkenberg, to Ammerthalu (770 km
2 days : Ammerthal, Nuremberg, Bamberg (UNESCO), Ammerthal (
3 days : Capitals Upper Palatinate (Oberpfalz): Ammerthal, Amberg, Kallmünz, Regensburg (UNESCO), Ammerthal (167 km
4 days : two castles of King Ludwig II : Ammerthal, Füssen (by Ulm), Wieskirche (UNESCO), Oberammergau, Linderhof, Ettal, Ammerthal (720 km
5 days : Franconian Switzerland : Ammerthal, Bayreuth, Pottenstein, Gößweinstein, Hersbruck, Ammerthal (225 km
6 days : medieval Franconian town : Rothenburg, Creglingen, Dinkelsbühl Wolframseschenbach (375 km
7 days : back to Katowice route similar to that in 1 day
Goshia Chwistek modifies the current program: a 4-to this day does not go 720 km
There you will have to pay Gosia Chwistek 100 euros for accommodation and entrances (including an overnight stay in Austria).
We sleep in a shelter in the school Ammerthal - rooms max 5 persons, you need to bring sleeping bag bedding (bedding ie duvets, pillows on the beds are but not wearing a coat).
Meals based on a well-equipped kitchen and a nearby hostel store "Aldi" (by Gosia Chwistek just about 100 euros per person for an entire week, including one dinner at a nearby restaurant .)
must bring: ID and passport (in case the limitation of the Schengen area), a European health insurance card, other insurance policies.
1) enrolled nearly 30 people (we're going 49-passenger bus) - the cost of carriage is about 600, - zł for person.
I term deposit (300 zł) 8 June 2011 When payment within this period will not be paid as I find it resigned from participation in the tour, and inform people from the reserve list of possible departure. The second 300, - zł please pay by the end of July.
payment for the transport is payable on the account:
Greg Hill, account number 67 1560 0013 2870 2106 8223 0002 - this is your ACT "Gronie" which is open to my name that is the President of the ACT (because it comes cheaper than institution) and his co-owners are ACT-Treasurer and Secretary Christopher Stojek AKT-Peter Holon.
Greg Hill
Tel.32/2586241, mobile +48 604 450 769
Write to me: act. gronie@gmail.com
Keep checking the blog NUDE "Gronie" http://aktgronie-prezes.blogspot.com