Communication No. 4 / 2011 Katowice, 27.04.2011 Communication from the club
ACT "Gronie" No. 4 / 2011
1) At a meeting in the Youth Palace
on Tuesday 10 May at 18.30 Leszek Szczepanowski show video (including the world exhibition)
"Shanghai 2010".
1955 Spring Rally 28/29 May 2011 Holy Cross Mountains - a detailed program for the ACT blog we are almost full bus 35 - bedded.
U-Aski Wodarczyk Staciwy can still subscribe (also on reserve list) . If the amount saved over 45 people - will order a bigger bus.
3) On a trip with Gosia
Chwistek to Bavaria in September 2011, the 1912-1918 (detailed program on the blog AKT)
signed up 19 people - so far, we have ordered 19-passenger bus (for 2,50 zł / km + maintain the 2 drivers).
I record remains on the reserve list . If the amount saved would reach 30 people to order a 35 passenger bus (3,50 zł / km + maintenance 2 drivers). People who are already saved on stamp will notify the carrier.
4) On Tuesday
June 14 Nikiszowiec Walk "from E. Wieczorek as a guide.
collection of 17.00 at the Church of St. Anna .
14 Posiady Jurassic U Szulców "25/26 June - meeting Saturday 25 June at 12.00 in the market in Olsztyn near Częstochowa , then" real Posiady in Poczesna.
invite us in May:
- Grazyna Szulc Budapest 1913-1915 May 2011 for 550, - zł (tel. 601 491 591 Szulc to G. if there are still places),
Silesian guides on John Gron Paul II, Sunday 15 May 2011 (this information with me),
Brotherhood of the Union of Upper Pilgrimage on Saturday, May 21 at the Great Będoszkę - information on the blog and on the website of the Society Pilgrimage ZG . com / .
Tel.32/2586241 Greg Hill, Mobile +48 604 450 769
Write to us:
akt.gronie @ Please visit our blog: /