Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Make A Gas Toy Car

And after the conference! :)

Conference on "Doin 'politics in the UK", according to the plan was held on 24 February in the conference room stewards UW. At about 15:15 (and therefore with a slight delay), Dr Margaret Kaczorowska (Department of Political Systems of the Institute of Political Science), began a lecture titled "The electoral campaign and the interesting results of the elections in the United Kingdom in 2010." Ms. Margaret served us a decent, concise, and condensed dose of facts about the British political scene. Do not miss trivia! In addition to profiles of the major candidates (Ie, Nick Clegg, Gordon Brown and David Cameron), more than one learned about their wives, who played a considerable role in the campaign!. According to the announcement before the conference, the discussion touched on the issue of dispute between supporters and opponents electoral majority in the United Kingdom. Did you know that the Liberal Democratic Party, with 21% of the outcome of the election, received just over 8% of the seats in parliament?

Kaczorowska After a PhD, and after a 15-minute meal break for tea, we welcomed another panelist - Dr. Bartholomew Bishop (Department of Sociology and Psychology Policy Institute of Political Sciences), who presented the audience a series of British commercials spots election, along with personal commentary. Most commercials, with whom we were introduced to put the following:

In the last native speakers of the conference appeared straight from the UK, employees of the University College of Education English Language Teacher: Graham Carr BA, and Stephen Davies BAPrzedstawili us British point of view of their patriotic policy. Lectures have become flavor when gentlemen disclose their personal political sympathies:)

conference reflected a relatively large effects on the University of Warsaw ( though, between God and the truth - we do not judge it.) Turned up both the invited panelists (here we would like to complete a strong note that their involvement can not be overestimated!), as well as the guests arrived (during the second part of the conference meeting room was filled with tightly). On behalf of the entire team, "Ars Politica" We thank all colleagues for their commitment, including in particular the management of the Institute of Political Studies for providing significant financial support. Also, Scientific Circle "five o'clock" turned out to be a great partner in organizing such events.

Still, we hope to host another lecture from the "Doin 'politics in the UK", this time with the participation of Professor. Gebethner from the Institute of Political Science.

The lecture by Dr. Margaret Kaczorowska will soon be published on our blog, and a friendly political science portals, the portal and

Meanwhile, below we present the proposed Dr. Kaczorowska literature, for the hungry of knowledge and eager to explore the secrets of the British political system. We hope that our conference was used for doing so as a source of inspiration.

first  H. Barnett, Constitutional and Administrative Law, 4th edn., Cavendish Publishing, London 2003.
2.      A. Blair, New Britain. My Vision of a Young Country, Longman [Fourth Estate], London 1996.
3.      A.W. Bradley, K.D. Ewing, Constitutional and Administrative Law, 13th Edition, Longman (an imprint of Pearson Education), London 2003.
4.      F.N. Forman, Constitutional Change in the United Kingdom, Routledge, London 2002.
5.   S. Gebethner, a parliamentary cabinet system of government, the presidential system of government and the indirect, [in:] M. Domagala (ed.), The constitutional systems of government, Warsaw 1997.
6th S. Gebethner, United Kingdom, [in:] S. Gebethner, J. Stembrowicz, the political systems of selected countries of the capitalist, UW, Warsaw 1971.
7th S. Gebethner, Government and Her Majesty's Opposition in the political system of Great Britain, Warsaw 1967.
8th F. Gołembski, P. Bishop, M. Kaczorowska (ed.), Blair and Brown Era. Some political problems of the Labour Party government in the United Kingdom, 1997-2010, ed. ASPRA-JR, Warsaw 2010.
9th B. Jones (ed.), J. Kavanagh, M. Moran, P. Norton, Politics UK, 5th Edition, Longman an Imprint of Pearson Education, Essex, 2004.
10th I poke, a third party in the party system on the example of the UK Liberal Democrats, [in:] T. Godlewski, M, Jastrzebski, I. Kaps, D. Tarnowski, A. Lipieński, Contemporary political parties. Selected Issues, published by Adam Marshall, Toru ń 2009, p. 68-110.
11th P. Mikuli, principle of separation of powers and the British constitution, Publisher Sejm, Warsaw 2006.
12th D. Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the UK, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.
13th O. Hood Phillips, P. Jackson, P. Leopold, Constitutional and Administrative Law, 8th Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London 2001.
14th A. Seldon (ed.), Blair's Britain in 1997, 2007, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007.
15th J. Szymanek, Model systems of government. Introduction to comparative analysis, "studied law", z. 3 (165) / 2005.
16th P. Silk, How does the British Parliament, Sejm Publishing House, Warsaw 1994;
17th J. Stembrowicz, the government in a parliamentary system, Oxford University Press 1982, Chapter III (the government in a parliamentary cabinet system, UK), p. 1920-1959;
18th Wronecki K. Evolution of the office of prime minister in Britain, "Review of Law and Administration," XI, Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis no 430, Wrocław 1979, p. 1957-1974;
19th A. Zieba, issues two-party system of Great Britain, [in:] M. Grzybowiski, Zieba A. (ed.), Contemporary party systems of selected European countries, ed. Jagiellonian University, Kraków1996.
20th K. Urbaniak, the Prime Minister in the system of executive authorities in the UK Legislative Council Bulletin No. 2, 1994;
21st I. Zielinska, leader of the party in the British political system, [in:] J. Sielski, Czerwienskie M. (ed.), Political parties - the party leadership, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek, Torun 2008, p. 302-315.
22nd I. Zielinska, Prime Minister of Her Majesty. Analysis of the influence of politico-legal and political personality of the Prime Minister on the exercise of executive power in Britain, [in:] M. Drzonek, Wołek A. (ed.), The executive power in Poland and Europe, Centre Political Thought, Higher School of Business - National-Louis University, published by DANTE, Kraków-Nowy Sacz 2009, p. 234-247.
23rd A. Zieba, Problems of the institutionalization of the party in the British constitutional order, "State and Law, 1995, No. 9
24th A. Zieba, party system and political parties of Great Britain, Studies in Political Science, 1986, No. 3
25th K. Zuba, elections to the European Parliament on 4 June 2009 in the UK, "Review The European 'No 1 (1920), 2010, p. 1955-1971.

Thanks again and we encourage you to keep track of subsequent events organized by the Scientific Society "Ars Politica"

James Last Der Einsame Hirte Hits 1972-1998

March 1, 2011 Mass at 18.00. in 2 ks.Jerzego Pawlik death anniversary at a church in Józefowcu

photo Edward Jarosz

Tuesday 1 March at 18.00 in the church of St. Joseph in Katowice - Józefowcu (Józefowskiej the corner and Mikusińskiego) Mass will be celebrated. in 2 of the death of late and much lamented

Fr. Prelate Dr. Jerzy Pawlik

our honorary member

numerous Please arrive.

After Mass, church. will be "meeting with kołoczu in salkach parish, during which a guide Tatra Tom Kołtun and Greg Hill will show pictures of Fr. J. Pawlik

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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